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Divine Legacy

Quality Care You Can Count On

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About Divine Legacy

Divine Legacy provides high quality ARMHS ( Adult Rehabilitation Mental Health Services) to adults & their families.

Divine Legacy also provides supervised visitation for the noncustodial parent to interact with their child or children in a safe environment. 

Our mission is to support and advocate for individual and families while they address their mental health needs and address barriers. 

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Services Offer

Adult Rehabilitation Mental Health Services (ARMHS) and Supervised Visitations



Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services (ARMHS) is a program sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Human Services for individuals who have a mental health diagnosis and are on Medical Assistance or a Prepaid Medical Assistance Product.

The purpose of the program is to help individuals who have a mental illness function independently in their homes or places of residence. Services are provided in four areas: Basic Living and Social Skills, Community Intervention, Medication Education and 

Transitioning to Community Living.


Supervised Visitation 

Supervised visitation allows parents to have parenting time with their children in a safe environment. Visits are supervised by professional Visitation Monitors who observe the visits and provide a written report about interaction and activities during the visit. Supervised visitation helps support the development of parenting skills and promotes a healthy parent-child relationship.
Visitation Monitors are able to provide coaching during a visit.

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