Divine Legacy
Quality Care You Can Count On
About Divine Legacy
Divine Legacy provides high quality ARMHS ( Adult Rehabilitation Mental Health Services) to adults & their families.
Divine Legacy also provides supervised visitation for the noncustodial parent to interact with their child or children in a safe environment.
Our mission is to support and advocate for individual and families while they address their mental health needs and address barriers.
Services Offer
Adult Rehabilitation Mental Health Services (ARMHS) and Supervised Visitations
Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services (ARMHS) is a program sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Human Services for individuals who have a mental health diagnosis and are on Medical Assistance or a Prepaid Medical Assistance Product.
The purpose of the program is to help individuals who have a mental illness function independently in their homes or places of residence. Services are provided in four areas: Basic Living and Social Skills, Community Intervention, Medication Education and
Transitioning to Community Living.
Supervised Visitation
Supervised visitation allows parents to have parenting time with their children in a safe environment. Visits are supervised by professional Visitation Monitors who observe the visits and provide a written report about interaction and activities during the visit. Supervised visitation helps support the development of parenting skills and promotes a healthy parent-child relationship.
Visitation Monitors are able to provide coaching during a visit.